Finding Clandestines

Finding Clandestines
Microsearch 1
Finding Clandestines
Scan-X Security are the sole UK partner of human prescence detection provider MicroSearch. This clever technology allows the location of clandestines, or people hiding covertly, normally in vehicles. The use of 4 sensors which compare the level of background vibration to that in a vehicle allows the location of people hiding covertly through the vibration that is caused by a human heartbeat. This makes it impossible for anyone hiding to avoid detection. Scan-X can provide this technology by both sale and leasing options. We’ve built on a long track record with MicroSearch by providing 2 systems to correctional facilities in the UK. Operators of the system can be trained to use it quickly. Once sensors are attached results are normally available in a matter of seconds.
With the increase in human trafficking and refugee flows cause by an unstable world such technology is increasingly relevant to transport and cargo companies who are legally liable for clandestines entering the UK via their vehicles. So if you’re in this sector its important to ensure compliance with all required legislation. To discuss how we can help you in this area in an initial no obligation discussion please get in touch any time.