Scan-X offer onsite threat detection training for clients currently using (or about to implement) security screening equipment – x-ray machines, metal detection archways and handhelds. Our DfT registered firearms and explosives instructor provides onsite training which is both engaging and informative. This training has been delivered to some of the most high profile venues in the UK.
The training has a very practical aspect with half of it conducted on a “real world” basis involving the use of live screening equipment. Highly realistic sample threat items are used as examples to test the ability of your staff to find threats. The other half of the course involves an interactive presentation which provides a good base of knowledge about current threats. To keep students on their toes and assess their abilities an examination is given upon completion. Typically all the above can be conducted during one working day with up to 7 people trained. Since the training is very bespoke, it can be tailored to your individual environment and longer courses can be provided if needed.