Scan-X continue to supply dual view x-ray machines to key sites in the country. Recent client wins include sites at key air hubs – Stanstead, London City and Heathrow. The nature of these sites means that the maximum uptime is required from security screening equipment. 2 factors are therefore key. Firstly the quality of the machines themselves is of course vital. Secondly the ability of the Scan-X team to support the equipment supplied with both pre-emptive and reactive maintenance. In both of these criteria Scan-X checked all of the boxes with flying colours leading to our selection.
In addition to x-ray machines Scan-X provided a number of TR2000 DB-A trace detectors, providing screening for a wide range of explosives and narcotics simultaneously in a highly convenient desktop form factor.
If you would like to see a demonstration of the above equipment – or know more about us in general – please call or email us any time.