Aviation Protection

Physical security leaders Scan-X Security have recently been selected to provide and support security screening equipment at one of the UK’s newest fixed based operators. With a business that provides support services to private fliers – many of whom are household names – security screening from a trusted vendor is paramount.

Scan-X were selected to provide dual view security x-ray machines to screen baggage. Required by recent legislation dual view x-ray imaging allows operators to see inside baggage from 2 angles. Enabling greater clarity and therefore security. Trace detection technology was also provided to screen for explosives and narcotics, and is capable of finding minute quantities of either.

Scan-X also installed archways from leading archway metal detection provider Ceia. Noted for their high quality and sensitivity, these are the brand of archways you would see in 90% of UK airports and Scan-X are working closely with Ceia.

A further reason for Scan-X’s selection in addition to the quality of the equipment was the quality of the support and speed of response offered by the Scan-X team. With more than 80% of Scan-X business consisting of repeat orders, particularly in the form of service contracts, our client can be confident that we will be here for them for the long term.

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