With a heightened security environment in general and imported goods screening in particular coming into increasing focus the UK continues to rely on Scan-X Security’s expertise. Our expert engineers maintain five very large mobile vehicle x-ray systems and one fixed system. These are x-ray systems at select locations within the UK capable of screening an entire lorry at a time to find contraband within the containers.
Providing both proactive and reactive maintenance services, our team make sure that these important systems have a high level of uptime. These skills are transferrable to our other clients so whatever industry you are in – airports and airfreight, logistics, private industry and events & venues – we can ensure your physical security screening has the highest level of operational availability. Our engineers are supported by a real time GPS tracking system so we can always assign the nearest engineer to a task. This makes for efficient and quick responses. They also carry a wide range of much needed parts to hand for the greatest chance of a first time fix. Surprisingly, this is not a standard process in our industry.
If you would like to know how we can help you with supporting and servicing physical security screening equipment (x-ray machines, metal detection archways and explosives and narcotics detection) or providing new equipment then contact our team anytime on 01922 455 222.